Thursday, November 3, 2011

DMX Explains Mopping Up At Waffle House

DMX Explains Mopping Up At Waffle House
Dark Man X gives a humbling explanation for volunteering for clean-up.
DMX recently participated in clean-up duty at a Waffle House restaurant.
But this time, it wasn't a creative punishment concocted by longtime X antagonizer Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Rather, the Yonkers emcee performed the act as a kindness.
TMZ reports that a worker, who was mopping at the time, told DMX that he was a big fan of the rapper.
"I was in a good mood and felt that I would do that for him since it was 4am and [the employee] had been working all night."
The rapper adds, "The minute you get too big to mop a floor or wipe a counter, that’s the exact minute you have life f**ked up."
"I was in a good mood and felt that I would do that for him since it was 4am and [the employee] had been working all night," explained X.
"The minute you get too big to mop a floor or wipe a counter, that’s the exact minute you have life fucked up."

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