The show is set to be titled “Think B.I.G.” and will follow the misadventures of an inner-city teenager as he tries to earn enough money to raise his newborn son and young daughter. The comedy series will also incorporate rap lyrics from Biggie’s many hit songs.
New York-based media company Mass Appeal announced via press release it is working with the network and TNT to produce the show. Wayne Barrow from Bystorm Films and Biggie’s mother, Voletta Wallace, for Notorious B.I.G. Inc. will also be involved in producing the series.
The Notorious B.I.G., born Christopher Wallace, passed away after being shot and killed in a drive-by shooting at age 24 in 1997 in Los Angeles. Shortly after his passing, Life After Deathwas released and got its Diamond certification in 2000.
The Brooklyn-raised emcee rose to fame after the release of his Platinum-selling debut album Ready To Die hit the Billboard charts in 1994. The LP gave the culture classics like “Juicy” and “Big Poppa.” His influential laid-back way of storytelling through his rhymes and untimely passing have made him a permanent fixture in Hip Hop. Almost 20 years after his death, the murder of Biggie Smalls has yet to be solved.
This past May, the city of Brooklyn, New York proclaimed May 21 as “Christopher ‘The Notorious B.I.G.’ Wallace Day” in honor of the late rap great.
Mass Appeal will also continue its work on “Storyville,” a series where artists narrate personal stories on an animated show.